WordPress 2.9正式版新功能列表

WordPress 2.9正式版已经发布,详情点击:WordPress 2.9正式版Carmen发布

这是WordPress 2.9正式版一些更新细节,欢迎人肉翻译!

We now have rel=canonical support for better SEO.

There is automatic database optimization support, which you can enable in your wp-config.php file by adding define(‘WP_ALLOW_REPAIR’, true);.

Themes can register “post thumbnails” which allow them to attach an image to the post, especially useful for magazine-style themes.

A new commentmeta table that allows arbitrary key/value pairs to be attached to comments, just like posts, so you can now expand greatly what you can do in the comment framework.

Custom post types have been upgraded with better API support so you can juggle more types than just post, page, and attachment. (More of this planned for 3.0.)

You can set custom theme directories, so a plugin can register a theme to be bundled with it or you can have multiple shared theme directories on your server.

We’ve upgraded TinyMCE WYSIWYG editing and Simplepie.

Sidebars can now have descriptions so it’s more obvious what and where they do what they do.

Specify category templates not just by ID, like before, but by slug, which will make it easier for theme developers to do custom things with categories — like post types!

Registration and profiles are now extensible to allow you to collect things more easily, like a user’s Twitter account or any other fields you can imagine.

The XML-RPC API has been extended to allow changing the user registration option. We fixed some Atom API attachment issues.

Create custom galleries with the new include and exclude attributes that allow you to pull attachments from any post, not just the current one.

When you’re editing files in the theme and plugin editors it remembers your location and takes you back to that line after you save. (Thank goodness!!!)

The Press This bookmarklet has been improved and is faster than ever; give it a try for on-the-fly blogging from wherever you are on the internet.

Custom taxonomies are now included in the WXR export file and imported correctly.

Better hooks and filters for excerpts, smilies, HTTP requests, user profiles, author links, taxonomies, SSL support, tag clouds, query_posts and WP_Query



        1. 因为就目前来说,国内的WordPress中文版,就是英文原版+中文语言包,最关键是的,修改了一些地方,容易出现问题。经常出现: can not modify……这类错误都是有中文版造成的,没技术含量的中文版,又容易出问题,装这种有什么用!

    1. define (‘WPLANG’, ‘ZH_CN’); 我自己找到了 呵呵,忘了要修改wp-config.php 文件,参考到 2.8中文版才知道

  1. 有人知道 制作主题时候用什么样的函数获取 作者啊
    例如 WordPress 2.9正式版新功能列表
    来源: 原创 | 作者: 酋 长 | 评论: 12条评论
    作者: 酋 长 这部分的代码!
